Publication scheme
As a public organisation, we publish various types of information and we aim to be open transparent about our performance.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we have a duty to specify where the information can be found and whether if it can be accessed freely or if there is a fee.
Our publication scheme is a useful place to start if you’re looking for information about our Trust, before making a Freedom of Information request.
Currently, most of our data is published in PDF format. However we are working toward using more accessible standards, for both cross-platform compatibility and usability.
The information we publish falls into one of the following seven categories.
Who we are and what we do
- Find out how we fit into the NHS structure in about us
- Download our organisational charts in our structure
- Information about who we work with can be found in our partners
- Read our Modern Slavery Act annual statement.
Our finances
- In line with HM Treasury guidance, we publish details of all expenditure over £30,000
- Financial reports and information about our capital programme can be found in our latest Board papers
- Information about staff pay can be found in our Annual reports
Decision making
- Information about how we make decisions and associated documents can be found in our Board of Directors meetings and minutes
Our performance and priorities
Business planning and reports are available in our latest Board papers
- Information about our performance can be found in our performance or in our latest Board papers
- Corporate objectives set out our vision and priorities for the coming year
- Annual reports gives an overview of our performance for the previous financial year
- Read our latest CQC report on their website
Policies and procedures
- Selected policies and procedures can be requested via
Register of Interests and Register of Gifts and Hospitality
All staff are required to declare any interests which may cause a conflict in doing their day to day work. together with any gifts and hospitality received during the course of their work.
In particular the Trust asks that all 'decision making staff', defined as those who are considered as Very Senior Managers and all staff on Agenda for Change pay scales 8d and above and those in equivalent clinical roles, such as consultants, as well as those people who can influence purchasing decisions, to make an annual declaration of interests. This includes providing a Nil Return where they have nothing to declare. This information is then published on the Trust website for public scrutiny.
Current Register
View the latest data at our dedicated Declare online system for Managing Declarations of Interests, Gifts and Hospitality.
Further Information
If you have any questions about the above processes or the published data, please contact the Company Secretary by email on
Previous Registers:
Decision Makers' Declarations of Interest
Decision Makers Register of Declarations of Interest October 2024 (For Website).pdf [pdf] 414KB
Register of gifts and hospitality
2023 - 2024 Register of Gifts and Hospitality.pdf [pdf] 136KB
Board Member Register of Interests
March 2025 Board of Directors Register of Interests.pdf [pdf] 137KB
Our services
- Contact details for publicly facing departments can be found in our our service directory
NHS provider licence declaration
Each year NHS Trusts are required to self-certify that they can meet the obligations set out in the NHS Provider Licence. Although NHS Trusts are exempt from needing the provider licence, directions from the Secretary of State require NHS Improvement to ensure that NHS Trusts comply with conditions equivalent to the licence as it deems appropriate. This is a retrospective declaration stating whether we were satisfied that we took the necessary precautions in the last financial year (2019/20).
There are two conditions which the Trust is required to sign off against:
The provider has taken all precautions necessary to comply with the licence, NHS Acts and NHS Constitution (Condition G6(3)).
- The provider has complied with required governance arrangements (Condition FT4(8)).
- NHS Trusts are specifically required to publish the declaration for general condition 6.
The Trust Board considered the evidence to support compliance against this conditions at its meeting held on 17 June 2020 and confirmed that it was compliant. More detail on the process and evidence considered can be downloaded in the Board paper (pdf fomat)
For more information on the self-assessment please contact the Company Secretary via email on
General Condition 6 | Declaration |
Following a review for the purpose of paragraph 2(b) of licence condition G6, the Directors of the Licensee are satisfied that, in the Financial Year most recently ended, the Licensee took all such precautions as were necessary in order to comply with the conditions of the licence, any requirements imposed on it under the NHS Acts and have had regard to the NHS Constitution. | Confirmed |