Our annual plan
Our annual plan for 2024/25 sets out our priorities for the year.
It confirms our six strategic goals to set our direction and focus our efforts for the year ahead, which we’ll deliver as we continue to develop the Acute Provider Collaborative with Barts Health and Homerton Healthcare, and as a partner in the three Place Based Partnerships in the London boroughs we serve.
The plan emphasises our continuing work to improve our performance, including improving waiting times within our Emergency Departments, reducing waiting lists and focusing on best use of our financial resources.
We are also looking to improve the day-to-day experience of staff working within our Trust, improving diversity of our senior leadership, and address the inequalities our patients and staff.
Below you can find the plan and a summary version.
Annual plan 2024-2025 [pdf] 2MB
Annual plan summary 2024-2025 [pdf] 464KB