NHS Choices

NHS Choices is a national website designed to help patients choose where to receive their care, whether they are looking at dentists, opticians, GPs or hospitals. As part of that, people can read about the experiences of previous patients and visitors. You can use NHS Choices to give an 'overall' rating of a hospital by saying whether (or not) you would recommend it to a friend.

Obviously good experiences are always great to hear about but constructive criticism can be really helpful so leave us an honest review – we’ll then be able to respond to any concerns you have.

Providing as much information as possible about the hospital, ward or service helps us to provide feedback when staff in a certain area do a good job, or understand where we need to make improvements.

Please leave feedback on your treatment by using the links below:

King George Hospital

Queen’s Hospital

We receive a copy of all reviews left and we try to respond to each of them on NHS Choices. 

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