
Patient Initiated Follow-up (PIFU)
Information for patients, relatives and carers.
What is a Patient Initiated Follow-Up appointment?
A patient-initiated follow up or ‘PIFU’ allows you to make an appointment with your dermatology team when you need it, rather than having a regular or prearranged clinic visit.
The service helps to reduce unnecessary visits to hospital and supports people with chronic skin disease to re-access the dermatology team when needed without having to go back through their GP.
PIFU isn’t suitable for everyone. The dermatology team will discuss this type of appointment with you if they think it may be suitable for you. If you feel that this is not suitable for you, you can continue to have a regular booked clinic visit.
If you are put on a PIFU pathway your GP will be fully informed.
What happens if I am placed on a PIFU?
If you agree to a PIFU then you will no longer be given a routine follow-up clinic appointment.
You will be able to contact the service directly to arrange a follow-up appointment as and when you feel concerned, as long as it's within the specified time period.
On the front of this form will inform you of the date when your PIFU is due to ends along with the relevant patient information leaflet. At the end of the PIFU period you will be returned back to the care of your GP, unless your dermatology team have advised you otherwise.
For all other concerns, or if you are feeling unwell, your GP remains your first point of contact.
How do I book a PIFU appointment?
Booking a PIFU appointment is straightforward. Simply call the following number 01708 435000 extension 2751 or email us here. In some cases, the dermatology department will directly book you an appointment, whilst in other cases you will have a call-back to understand your symptoms prior to booking a virtual or face to face appointment.
We will do our best to ensure you are seen by the person you normally see, but this may not always be possible.
In order to maintain the necessary contact with you please ensure you notify the department of any changes to your contact details and mailing address.
Have you lost your PIFU details or information?
If you have lost your PIFU leaflet or patient information leaflet, please call 01708 435000 extension 2751 and a member of the PIFU team will assist you.