Well done Mandarin B! | Ward accreditation

Well done Mandarin B! | Ward accreditation

Ward accreditation scheme

Image of a hospital bed

Ward accreditation is a key component of our ongoing efforts to enhance and standardise the quality of care provided to patients in our hospitals.

Internal assessments are conducted by corporate nurses and subject matter experts. They deliver reports that highlight the ward's strengths. They also identify areas for improvement necessary to achieve the next level of accreditation.

The assessments include various aspects including patient experience, safety, staff morale, operational efficiency, and performance in equality, diversity, and inclusion. Wards receive ratings of bronze, silver, or gold based on their adherence to these standards. Teams work hard to meet rigorous criteria.

Awards tracker

           Ward accreditation tracker displaying the number of accredited wards in bronze, silver and gold medals.

Well done Mandarin B!

A huge congratulations to Mandarin B ward who have achieved silver ward accreditation!

Ward accreditation helps improve care and staff experience; the programme has clear measurements which help our staff to understand where they are already delivering fantastic patient care, and areas where they need to improve.  

Our Chief Nurse Kathryn Halford explains more in this video. 

Well done to Bluebell B!

Mandarin A gets silver


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