

“You’ve got to keep yourself moving to get back to how you were”

Patricia Gladman, age 83 and a retired line dance teacher, recently recovered from a cardiac arrest and shared her views our new physiotherapy and exercise programme.

“I died a week ago, I died for ten minutes, and I was resuscitated. I’m still here so I’m up for participating in any exercise, it’s very good. You’ve got to keep yourself moving, keep your legs, arms and hands moving to get back to how you were as much as possible.”

Recovery coaching programme staff and patients

Our Acute Frailty Therapy Service at King George Hospital has launched the Recovery Coaching Exercise Programme (RCEP) for elderly patients, empowering them to keep moving while in hospital and showcasing how important it is for their own recovery.

While in hospital, patients will complete tailored exercise programmes prescribed by the ward therapist, as well as participating in group sessions in their bays and bed and chair exercises.

When patients are discharged, they’ll be provided with prescribed exercise plans to continue their recovery at home so they can continue building their strength.

Clementina Martins, Speciality Matron for Geriatrics said: “This is a marvellous concept that will allow patients to be more mobile and active.”

Sandra Bishop, Therapy Team Lead added: “The recovery program has been brilliant for patients so far, we’ve seen visible improvement in morale and recovery, patients are engaged, it’s reducing deconditioning and they’re able to get home quicker.”

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