We've joined the See ME First initiative

As part of our commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, we’ve delighted to have joined the See ME First initiative.
The scheme sees our staff pledge to support us in becoming a more equal and inclusive organisation, both for our patients and our colleagues. In exchange for their support, they get a See ME First badge which they can wear proudly to raise awareness of the campaign.
As part of his pledge, Chief Executive Matthew Trainer promised that the Trust “will take action to become a fairer place to work and be cared for, celebrate the diversity of our people, and actively challenge racism and other forms of discrimination”.
Matthew added: “Research shows there is direct correlation between staff wellbeing and a good patient experience so helping our colleagues to be happier at work should improve the care we provide for our communities.”
The initiative was set up by staff at Whittington Health NHS Trust in October 2020, and has since been implemented at plenty of other trusts too.
Senior Midwife Edith Kumi, who co-chairs our Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Network, said: “More than half of staff at BHRUT come from ethnic minority backgrounds and See ME First helps everyone to know that we shouldn’t be judged by our colour but by what we do in our work.
“The idea of us adopting these badges came from one of our network members and we’re grateful to the executive team for supporting us to make it a reality at our Trust.”