Wellbeing services here to support our staff

For many of our staff, the start of 2021 has been a real challenge. Winter pressures, high numbers of Covid patients and separation from our loved ones mean that our emotional resilience continues to be tested. Colleagues who were looking forward to annual leave in January, which has had to be postponed, may be feeling burnt out.
In the face of another challenging few months, we want to assure you that your wellbeing is our priority. Every day in January we will be featuring a different wellbeing topic in our daily remail to staff, covering a broad range of subjects to help support you.
In these extraordinary times, it really is ok to not be ok. We encourage you to reach out and use our wellbeing services. You do not need to be in crisis to use these services; they are there for everyone.
Our ‘Listen Hear’ service enables staff to speak with a compassionate and experienced psychologist from 7am to 11pm daily. If you are struggling with stress, anxiety or low mood, or would just like someone to speak to, please email bhrut.listenhear@nhs.net with your name and phone number.
Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone on an informal, peer-to-peer basis, our ‘Let’s Talk’ service can help you to process your thoughts and experiences. Contact our wellbeing team by searching ‘Let’s Talk @BHRUT’ on StarLeaf. The service runs from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Anyone who has experienced bereavement can access free specialist support from 8am to 8pm daily by calling Hospice UK on 0300 303 4434. Filipino staff can access this support in Tagalog by calling 0300 303 1115.
For those who are working nights or who are in need of a listening ear out of hours, the Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. Simply call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.
The full range of services available to support you can be found on our staff intranet or you can get in touch with the Wellbeing team by emailing bhrut.healthwellbeing@nhs.net.