Visitors urged to take a lateral flow test before visiting loved ones
Visitors to both Queen’s and King George hospitals are being strongly encouraged to take a Covid-19 rapid lateral flow test before visiting their loved ones (no earlier than 24 hours before their visit).
The Delta variant now accounts for nearly all Covid-19 cases in the community and is 60 per cent more infectious than the previous strain, which means the risk of it spreading to patients from visitors is significantly increased, especially as it is still possible to have the virus with no or very mild symptoms.
Kathryn Halford OBE, Chief Nurse at our Trust (pictured above), said: “We have a responsibility to keep our vulnerable patients, staff and visitors as safe as possible, and our infection prevention and control processes have never been more critical.
“Our staff do all they can to safeguard our patients, and we think it’s just as important that visitors do the same. We all have a moral responsibility to make sure we don’t spread this to those who are most at risk, and so we are asking that all visitors take a lateral flow test, before visiting their loved ones, to help keep them and everyone else safe”.
Covid-19 rapid lateral flow tests can be ordered via the government website, collected from pharmacies and community centres, and ordered by calling 119 (Freephone) between 7am and 11pm.
Visitors will be asked for proof of their negative test result when arriving at our hospitals.
Visiting restrictions are still in place at both hospitals. To find out in which circumstances visiting is permitted, visit: