

Sad death of one of our colleagues


Amrik Bamotra

Tony Chambers, our Chief Executive, said: “I’m sorry to tell you that a member of our staff, Amrik Bamotra, has died. Amrik, who was known at work as Bob, was 63 and had been ill for some time.

“Previously a porter with our partner Sodexo, he had been working as a radiology support worker at King George Hospital for the last four years.

“Amrik was well liked among his colleagues, who have shared how friendly, chatty and kind-hearted he was, and that he was caring and compassionate to all patients. They said he treated everyone like his own family.

“I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Amrik’s family, friends and colleagues. We are ensuring they are supported through this very difficult time.”

Amrik (pictured) is survived by his wife, daughter, and son. Several of his relatives, including his wife and son, work at our Trust.

His family shared the following message in his memory:  “Dad was one of those people that if he saw you in the corridor at work he would stop and make sure he had a chat with you. He was always positive about everything he did. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and loved and cared for all his family and friends. There’s not a time when we can say he wouldn't go that extra mile to do something for anyone to make sure they were happy!  

“He had always been a hard worker. He had touched so many people’s hearts with his personality which has been shown to us through messages we have received. On that note we would just like to say thank you to all our family and friends for their love and support through this difficult time.”

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