Revamped Emergency Department officially opened at King George Hospital

After months of major improvement works and a £5m investment, King George Hospital Emergency Department (ED) has been transformed into a state-of-the-art facility, ensuring our sickest patients are treated in the best possible environment.
At its official opening on Friday 25 March, we welcomed Sam Tarry, MP for Ilford South, Jas Athwal, Redbridge Council’s Leader and Mark Santos, Health and Wellbeing Board Chair.
During the visit, Sam Tarry said: “To come to King George Hospital and see the changes that have been made, I know it will make a real difference to patient outcomes and staff morale.
“To know services are improving and will continue to improve is going to really reassure people. King George Hospital is being taken seriously; I’d like to thank each and every one of you for the work you put in every day.”
Councillor Jas Athwal also thanked our staff ‘from the bottom of his heart’ and explained why King George Hospital is so important to the community.
Jas said: “As I parked up today, I walked past the building where my four children were born, I stood in the same room where I said goodbye to my parents and I’m standing in the very space where I brought my children when they fell ill. You guys are part of my family because you pick me up and look after me and my family in our time of need, and you do that for every member of our community.”
Key features of the renovated facility include new observation and Rapid Access and First Treatment (RAFTing) areas, a bigger resus area which has doubled from three to six bays, dedicated cubicles for adults experiencing mental health issues and a reconfigured ambulance entrance to improve access to the department.
A new central area has also been built to allow staff to see all of the department, making it safer for our patients as well as a better working environment.
Our upgraded children’s ED was also part of these works and opened in December, to help us through the busy winter months.
Chief Executive Matthew Trainer said: “I’m delighted we were able to welcome our politicians and show them how one of the best designed EDs in London is at the heart of their community, providing the very best care for residents.
“Working in an ED can be challenging, and I’m pleased we are providing colleagues with a state-of-the-art workplace, upgraded staff room facilities and an outdoor space where they can relax during breaks.
“I’d like to thank Russel Cawberry, the contractor for these works, and the many others who have worked extremely hard to complete the renovation. King George Hospital has a bright future, and this is another indication of our continued commitment to improving services here.”
The next phase of improvement works at King George Hospital is our £4m investment to expand our Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU), scheduled to be completed in the coming months.