Praise for how staff at our vaccination hub care for children

Our King George Hospital Vaccination Hub has received amazing feedback from parents following our work with a children’s charity to enhance the experience of our young patients when they come in to be immunised.
Starlight Children’s Foundation provided us with an information booklet for staff, toys and stickers for children, and feedback cards for their parents and carers.
The booklet gave staff guidance on how to keep children calm during what can be a stressful appointment.
Starlight visited our Vaccination Hub and spoke to staff and parents, and handed out feedback postcards to parents and caregivers. The 57 respondents gave us an average rating of 9.4 out of 10 for their experience.
One described our staff as “friendly and helpful” and said they explained everything carefully.
The overall feedback from Starlight praised the speed of the service for helping keep children calm and content during their visit, and highlighted how we used the stickers from Starlight to make the hub brighter and children felt less like they were in a hospital. We also decorated one of our booths especially for children.
Claire McGregor, our Interim Director of Improvement, said: “I am extremely proud of the team who have gone above and beyond throughout this vaccination journey, and been recognised across north east London for their efforts and can-do attitude.”
The rating collated by Starlight backs up previous feedback from the families of other young patients, including 11-year-old Azmain and Harley, 15.