Patient turned volunteer thanks to tea trolley ladies!

Today [1 June] marks the beginning of Volunteers Week and it’s a great opportunity for us to celebrate the dedication shown by so many volunteers at our Trust who make a big difference to our patients and staff.
People choose to give up their spare time for different reasons and Michael Tarbuck, who recently joined us as a volunteer, has shared his story.
Eight months ago, lung cancer patient Michael began his treatment in our Sunflower Suite at Queen’s Hospital. He has since returned to our hospital as a volunteer after seeing what a difference they made to his own experience.
He said: “My chemotherapy was six and a half hours, and the highlight of my day was these two women coming round with tea trolleys! They really broke the day up for me, outside of that everything else was medical.”
On the importance of interacting with the volunteers during his sessions, he added:
“I really needed a break from it, the volunteers coming round having normal conversations with me and giving me tea and biscuits was absolutely brilliant.
“I wanted to come back and see if I could offer the same support for other people.”
Michael now volunteers at the Sunflower Suite two days a week, extending the same kindness and compassion he once received: “I wanted to do five days initially, but my son said, ‘Dad be a bit sensible, see how you go first’. So instead, I come in on Tuesday and Thursdays, doing two rounds, one in the morning and one at lunch.
“I must admit because I’ve been in their shoes, I feel a bit of what they’re going through. When I see some patients upset, I get a little upset, but I feel as though it’s worthwhile doing it, I need to do it.”
When asked if he would encourage others to volunteer, Michael said: “I would recommend it, I’m sure there are many people out there who would like to do it, they just need to know that the opportunity is there for them.
“It’s been brilliant so far; I’m really enjoying it.”
Our volunteers support our staff and patients in many ways and there are a range of roles available for those wishing to apply. If you’d like to get involved and want to find out more, visit our volunteering page.