

Our third Shadow Exec cohort take the reins

Cohort 3 at the Shadow Exec lunch

Cohort 3 at the Shadow Exec lunch

As the nine-month tenure of cohort two in our Shadow Exec ends, it's time for cohort three to step up. To pass the baton, a special lunch was held, hosted by our Chief Executive Matthew Trainer and members of the Shadow Exec team, to allow staff from each cohort to share their experiences and aspirations.

The Shadow Exec is made up of staff from across the Trust who provide a fresh perspective on the decisions made by our Executive team, and an understanding of how these decisions impact on colleagues. The newest group is made up from 13 colleagues from a range of departments across our Trust.


The Shadow Exec lunch was great. It was lovely to take time to appreciate the contribution the outgoing cohort has made, and to feel the energy of the new group

The scheme gives staff a unique opportunity to share their insights. I've learned things about the Trust that I wouldn't otherwise have heard, and I know they've been pleased to see the challenges the exec team deal with are relevant to them and their teams

Everyone in our hospitals wants to deliver care we're proud of and that our patients are happy with. The Shadow Exec helps us do that.

In response to feedback from last year's group, the team decided to extend the tenure from nine months to a year. This will allow members to experience all the different seasons and contribute more to the decisions made.

At the lunch, held on Wednesday 10 April, we heard from former members of the Shadow Exec scheme, including Rommel Ammiel, an organisational development project support officer. He shared how seeing the how the executive team ran their meetings helped his own team.

Rommel Ammiel at the Shadow Exec lunch


I looked at how they ran their meetings and implemented same approach with my team. This has greatly improved our meeting efficiency. Seeing my personal growth throughout my time in the Shadow Exec programme, as well as the development of my fellow members, was quite rewarding.



Cohort two all agreed they learned a lot from their time in the scheme, Kelly Hagendoorn, administration coordinator and team leader apprentice, in particular, found the scheme very beneficial, especially when combined with her team leader apprenticeship.


I learned a great deal. The Shadow Exec scheme integrated seamlessly with my team leader apprenticeship. Matthew was also very approachable and always willing to answer any questions we had. I felt heard.

After cohort two shared all their wisdom from their past nine months, their colleagues taking over had the opportunity to share what they were excited about for the year ahead and got to ask any questions they had.

Hina and Amanda at the Shadow Exec lunch

Hina Khalil, ward clerk (pictured on the left):

I’m hopeful that I can help make change; it’s nice to be a part of the choices that will help people. I want to help people have their voices heard.

Amanda Bailey, who works in admin and clerical support, nutrition and dietetics, (pictured on the right):

I'm genuinely excited to begin and gain a deeper understanding of what happens behind the scenes. It will give me a more comprehensive view of the hospital and offer me new experiences.

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