Our staff on why they got the vaccine - and why others should too.

The pandemic has been tough. No one knows that more so than our frontline staff, many of whom have battled the virus and lost love ones themselves. However, the significant progress of the Covid-19 vaccine deployment has offered a promising route out of the crisis, and our Trust has been playing our part.
In January we proudly vaccinated the 10,000th person to visit our vaccination hubs, but we’ve not stopped there; as we continue to offer the vaccine to all of our staff, partners and contractors who work with us.
We know many people are looking forward to receiving their jab but we’re also aware that some in our community are more hesitant, which is why our staff wanted to reassure others that the vaccines safe and the best way we can get back to normal.
There have been many rumours and myths circulating social media claiming the vaccines affect fertility. Our lead for fertility and Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr Aruna Ramineni, wants people to know the facts behind the vaccines.
She said: “The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the HFEA, and the JCVI advise women do not have to avoid falling pregnant when they want the vaccine. You do not have to stop your fertility treatment or trying to fall pregnant when you have the vaccine.
“In fact, I would go so far as to say it's a good thing to be vaccinated before you fall pregnant!”
Many people have lost loved ones; this is true for our staff as well. Dr Remi Odejinmi, one of our consultant anaesthetists, lost members of her family due to coronavirus, and has recovered from Covid herself.
Speaking on receiving the vaccine and the known adverse effect the virus has had on our BAME communities, she said: “Knowing how the impact has been so severe on the black community, we have a responsibility to look at evidence and consider that taking the vaccine is safe for ourselves and safe for our families as well”.
Dr Anushka Aubeelack, ITU anaesthetist, has been working in intensive care for the majority of the pandemic. She knows the concern people have for their elderly parents and also how the vaccine is their best protection.
Speaking on her experience as a British Asian seeing a huge amount of patients from the BAME community, she said: “It’s scary, it made me quite fearful for my parents…I made sure as soon as there was information about the vaccine to tell them about it
“The feeling of relief when my Dad got the vaccine I can’t even describe…and I cannot wait for my Mother to get her first dose”.