

Our new purpose

Patient and physio

Today (23 Sept) sees us launch our new purpose:

We want our hospitals to deliver care we’re proud of, and our patients are happy with

We’re an organisation that is getting better. We are no longer in special measures. We have the most improved A&E and are now among the top performers in the country for reporting radiology results; and we are nationally recognised for our innovation in planned care. Like most of the NHS, the last five years have been hard. Now, we can be clear about what matters to us and what we need to do next.

Having a shared purpose helps us to know where we’re going, how we get there, and how we make decisions on what’s most important to us, how we spend our money, and how our services need to change.

To achieve it, we need to listen – and then importantly act – on what we hear, and over the coming months we’ll be focusing on three main areas:

  • For our staff and teams, it’s about creating an environment where they can thrive and find joy every day in their work
  • For our patients and community, we’ll use the feedback we hear to improve care by focusing on what matters most to them
  • For our partners we’ll support our community’s health and wellbeing through actively working together

Find out more – take a look at our organisational strategy [pdf] 4MB (or the quick read one-page summary [pdf] 504KB if you’re short on time) which sets out the framework for how we become an exemplar in listening and responding, so we continue to improve the care our patients receive every day.

We’ll keep you updated on how you can get involved.

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