

Our annual plan for 2023/24

Our annual plan for 2023/24 is a key output from our integrated business planning process. It sets out how we will deliver operational resilience, as well as national and local priorities as we continue to work towards achieving our vision of providing outstanding healthcare to our community.

The plan confirms our six strategic goals to focus our efforts this year and sets our direction for the financial year. We deliver this whilst continuing to build our partnerships with Barts Health, with the Acute Provider Collaborative (including Homerton Healthcare), and as a partner in the three Place Based Partnerships in the London boroughs we serve.

The plan emphasises our continuing work to improve our performance, including improving waiting times within our Emergency Departments, reducing our financial deficit to meet our financial improvement targets, and reducing waiting lists in line with national priorities.

We are also looking to improve the day-to-day experience of staff working within our Trust, to improve staff retention, and build on our understanding of the inequalities our patients and staff experience by embedding inclusion and health equity principles across all our key organisational strategies.

You can take a look at our annual plan, and find out more about our plans, strategies and reports, on our website.

The front cover of our annual plan document

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