Ophthalmology Super Week

In light of the recent Ophthalmology Super Week, we spoke to Ayman Khaier, Clinical Lead for Ophthalmology, who shared the following:
“I’m delighted that in our second ophthalmology super week this year, we treated 920 patients and listed 127 new patients for their surgery, alongside all our regular activity.
One of our most notable achievements was a ‘super injection day’. We treated 49 patients requiring intravitreal injections, which are used to treat conditions such as retinal diabetes and macular degeneration. We are one of a handful of trusts in the country and the first in London to deliver this high activity, and in our Trust these injections are almost fully delivered by nurse injectors. We have noticed an increase lately in the number of patients being referred to us for injections, so we plan to hold similar super days regularly.
I am always encouraged by the creativity and dedication of our nurses, doctors and administrators who make these achievements a reality for our patients - my sincere thanks to you all.”