

Free health checks praised by King George staff and visitors

Staff and visitors received free lifesaving health checks at King George Hospital (KGH) thanks to an initiative with Redbridge Borough Council, the Trust, and healthcare and community partners.

Over 30 people used the council’s Healthy Redbridge Bus service to check their weight, height, BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol and their sugar levels. 

Based off their results, advice was available by an on-site GP and the healthcare team.

The sessions provide free health checks, information and advice across community sites in the borough.

The team outside the bus

They can help identify someone’s risk of developing serious health conditions, as well as offering support and sharing resources.

A local community smoking cessation service were also available to provide advice and support to help people quit.

Local resident Shaheed had the checks whilst his wife was attending a hospital appointment.

He added: “I was just waiting around and did it because it was free. My cholesterol was high, higher than I thought it was. They (the team) gave advice on how I could improve it and other healthier options too.”

Members of our staff who used the service spoke of how it was quick, easy and convenient with one saying that it had given her the confidence to take control of her health.

Louise Dark, Managing Director of KGH, said:

It is important that our staff and visitors get these types of opportunities to have more information about their health. Over 30 people used the service but many more showed an interest. I want to thank the team and everyone who was involved on the day, and we can’t wait to welcome them back.

People at the service

James Bachmann, Head of Public Health and Wellbeing at Redbridge Borough Council, said:

The service, in collaboration with our community health partners, has been delivering community health engagement clinics like this across the borough over the last year. It was a great to come and meet the team at King George today, we hope staff found it helpful and we would love to come back again.

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