

Apprentices celebrate at the House of Commons

Our apprenticeship graduates celebrated National Apprenticeship Week in style today at a special event held in the House of Commons.

Sponsored by our local MP Margaret Hodge, 30 of our 2023 graduates were treated to a breakfast reception and awards ceremony in the famous Winston Churchill Room which saw Health Minister Andrew Stephenson MP get the celebrations underway with a congratulatory speech.

Every apprentice received a certificate for their achievements with Angelica Sierra Morales and Oluwole Adeyiga, known as Baba, also accepting individual awards from our Chief Nurse, Kathryn Halford, and our Chief People Officer Janine La Rosa. This was in recognition of the impact they have had in the areas they work and their commitment to their programme.

Our apprentices and apprenticeship team celebrating at the event

Baba’s incredible story demonstrates just how much apprenticeships can help careers progress. He started out as a porter at the Trust 12 years ago, and now, thanks to our apprenticeship programme, he’s a fully qualified radiographer! 

In his interview below he described it as “a day I will never forget” and added “I couldn’t have done it without BHRUT. If I can do it, you can all do it - apprenticeships is the way.”

Celebrating with colleagues on the day were some of their managers, senior leaders and guests from NHS England and The Department of Health and Social Care.

Margaret Hodge, MP for Barking, also recognised the impact our apprenticeship programme was having on the local community and her constituents who are treated at our hospitals.

Lesley Roberts, Head of our Apprenticeship and Career Hub, said:

It was a brilliant day which was enjoyed by all. It was great giving our apprentices, who have worked so hard to complete their apprenticeship programme whilst working and dealing with whatever life throws at them along the way, get the recognition they deserve.

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