New service launched for patients and GPs to improve care

Our backlog of appointments massively increased during the pandemic, and while we have made fantastic progress in reducing our waiting lists, our Outpatients Call Centre and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) receive a lot of appointment enquiries.
To help us respond quicker, we’ve launched a brand-new service across our Trust which allows patients and GPs to contact a dedicated helpline if they are having difficulty accessing their care or appointment.
Our new Access Issues Resolution Service (AIRS) aims to agree a resolution plan with patients within five working days, which should help improve patient experience, reduce complaints and strengthen our relationship with GPs across our boroughs.
Some of the issues AIRS will resolve include patients who have not received a follow-up appointment, cancelled outpatient appointments, operations or diagnostic tests and GPs who are waiting for diagnostic test results.
While acting as an intermediary between patients, GPs and services across our hospitals, AIRS will also identify common themes to help reduce similar problems in the future.
Speaking about the launch of the new service, our Chief Executive Matthew Trainer said: “I’m delighted AIRS has gone live, and I hope we will start to see its positive impact very soon.
“Not only will it improve the experience of our patients who are waiting for an update on their appointment or procedure, it also provides our GPs with a direct service to follow up with to ensure outpatients are treated as quickly as possible.”
AIRS is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm, and can be contacted by email or phone (0208 970 5704).
AIRS is a separate service to our existing Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), and cannot investigate queries such as information requests, fast tracking patients, quality concerns and clinical advice and guidance.
Please continue to contact PALS, who help resolve problems, provide confidential information and advice on other NHS and social care services and assist those who wish to make a complaint.