

Matron Lin retires from our Trust after 48 years of service

Lin Covell is pictured above at her retirement party sitting down in the centre and surrounded by her colleagues

Lin Covell, a Matron in the gynaecology team, has retired after 48 years working at our Trust.

Lin completed her nurse training in 1976 at Oldchurch Hospital and before joining her team in 1987.

Colleagues held a get together on Wednesday 14 August in the women’s outpatient department ahead of her last day.

Lin said:

I love the team of nurses I work with. I absolutely love them.

Lin recalled how she first got into her healthcare career.

She said:

I always knew from my training that I wanted to be a gynaecology nurse. I did some agency work and I had young children at the time, so I waited for my children to be a little bit older so my mum could look after them, and then I came to work. I worked my way up in my career. I started as an enrolled nurse, I went from Sister, then to Acting Matron, and that’s how I became a Matron.

She moved to a number of different hospitals including King George and Barking Hospital. Lin then moved to the Sunrise B ward at Queen’s Hospital, where she has stayed for 18 years.

I think women are not always taken seriously. So it’s really nice to be able to promote women’s services.

When asked what advice she has for other matrons, she said:

I think just come in, do the best you can do, keep your team on side. We’ve got a really great team and they all work really well, so just keep on doing what you are doing and be consistent.

Katie Ayris, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Gynae-Oncology says she will be greatly missed.

She said:

Lin has been one of the most influential, inspiring nurse leaders to all the team over the years.  Always having a listening ear, guiding us and supporting us in so many different ways. We are absolutely devastated she is leaving and we will never forget her.

Lin Covell is pictured above at her retirement party sitting down in the centre and surrounded by her colleagues

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