

‘It is great to see all the design work coming to life’

BCH CDC built

Work on the build of our new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) at Barking Community Hospital (BCH) is nearing an exciting milestone with patient feedback and recommendations being at the core of the design. 

BCH CDC built

Big floor to ceiling windows, colours used to improve the experience for patients with dementia and ramps, lifts and accessible changing rooms throughout are just some of the aspects included that were put forward by patients when gathering feedback.

The centre will also have a Changing Places facility - like our Queen’s and King George sites - which will include a hoist and shower facilities, so disabled people in our community can have confidence and dignity in an accessible changing area on their doorstep.

Colleagues got a first look at the open and spacious facility that is being built off-site at a factory in Gloucester.

Programme and Service Development Lead for Community Diagnostics at BHRUT, Christiane Zelenyanszki, said the facility ‘looks fantastic’.

She added: “It already feels comforting and relaxing which is great for our patients who played a part in making sure the centre is right and accessible for all."

The centre is being built by ModuleCo who use modern methods of construction and cutting-edge technology to build healthcare facilities.

Once 90% of the build is completed off-site, the facility will then be transported to our hospital later this year.

Vikki Butler, Director of Clinical Service Reconfiguration, said: “It was great to see all the design work coming to life. Working with ModuleCo means that our residents and local communities get a fully functioning, modern facility much quicker, with minimal disruption to the on-site services already running at Barking Community Hospital.”

BCH CDC built1 BCH CDC built 2

Aiming to open in early 2024, the centre will house scanning equipment such as MRI, CT, and ultrasound alongside consultation rooms for a range of other tests and a landscaped outside space which was also recommended by patients.

Additional services for cardiology, respiratory and phlebotomy will also be housed at the centre which will continue reducing waiting lists and treating patients faster.

Nick Swift, Chief Financial Officer, said: “Our Community Diagnostic Centre will be an important health facility for our population and provide a great working environment for our teams.”  

Also on the visit was Kelly West, Associate Director of Northmores, who are project managing the build.  

She said: “It was great to join the BHRUT team on our first visit to see the new CDC facility. Excellent progress is being made and it is good to see what modern construction can offer to healthcare clients.” 

Josh Pearce, Sales Executive at BRG Technologies, added: “Providing the opportunity to see and walk within the facility, during the manufacturing phase gives a chances to generate further excitement around the project and it’s opening.”

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