Increasing diagnostic services at Barking Community Hospital

The demand for MRI and CT scans, ultrasounds and blood tests across north east London (NEL) is growing and with a projected population growth of 250,000 in the next 10 years, we need to make sure residents have quick access to checks, scans and tests.
NHS partners across NEL are currently asking for your views on proposals to increase diagnostic services across our boroughs. You can have your say until Tuesday 13 September 2022.
One of the proposals is to invest at Barking Community Hospital (BCH) by building a Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC), where patients can have diagnostics like a CT scan, X-ray and blood test all in one building.
Not only will CDCs reduce pressure on hospitals, but they will also be more convenient for patients and provide quicker access to care.
In the last 12 months, BCH has been boosted by more mobile CT and MRI scanners, ultrasound facilities and X-ray machines, which has been vital in helping us reduce waiting lists and treat residents faster. The proposal for the site would see a purpose-built diagnostic centre created.
Alongside the NEL-wide consultation, as a Trust we’re engaging with residents and stakeholders to help us understand what the priorities are for patients when accessing diagnostic services at BCH, so that if this proposal is approved, your views can be considered from the outset.
A great patient experience isn’t about treatment alone, we know that the environment and facilities they are surrounded by are equally as important.
Whether it’s using certain colours to help with wayfinding or access to changing facilities and a water dispenser, we want to listen to you and give you the opportunity to have your say in the design.
This work is part of a national programme, following a review of diagnostic services.
We will keep you updated with how you can get involved in the coming weeks.