Giving you more choice over where you receive care

As part of the national drive to reduce elective waiting lists, we are now proactively contacting patients who have been waiting over 40 weeks*, and do not have an appointment date within the next eight weeks, to consider their options to see if they could be seen sooner at a different hospital (*some clinical exclusions apply).
If you are eligible, you will be contacted directly by text or letter. Please do not proactively contact GP or NHS hospital about this.
You will be provided with more details regarding the process when invited to consider options. Please see our Q&As below for further information.
What happens if a hospital with a shorter waiting time can’t be found for me?
If an alternative provider is not identified, you will be informed and will remain with your current hospital.
What happens to my place on the original waiting list if I look into this but can’t find somewhere quicker?
Your place on the current waiting list will not be impacted if a new provider isn’t identified.
I’ve not been waiting 40 weeks, when will other patients on the waiting list be offered this opportunity?
Phase one is for patients waiting over 40 weeks. We will widen the offer in a phased approach over the coming months.
Can all patients waiting for treatment over 40 weeks change provider?
Not all patients waiting over 40 weeks will be invited to request to move provider. Patients who have been waiting over 40 weeks and have an appointment date within the next eight weeks are excluded as it will be quicker for them to remain with their current provider than move to an alternative.
In addition, there may be some patients whose clinical condition means it would not be appropriate to move. This is particularly relevant to those whose condition is clinically complex.
How will my details be shared with other providers?
You will be invited to submit your details into the national system and select the hospital you are currently under the care of. Your details will be sent to the hospital for them to be reviewed and then shared if you are appropriate to move provider.
How long will the process take?
You will be told if a new provider has been found within five to six weeks of starting the process.
If you are not clinically appropriate to move, you should be told within two to three weeks.
If I go to a different hospital, will I be entitled to expenses for travel and accommodation?
There is the existing NHS Travel Reimbursement Scheme which can be utilised.
Each individual will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
After the first outpatient appointment, will I be transferred back to my local hospital?
No, you will be under the care of the chosen provider throughout your care until you are discharged.
This includes any subsequent appointments.
Is there a time limit for me to decide whether to move hospital?
No, there are no restrictions.