

Getting playful in hospital

Chantel and Elaine on our Play in Healthcare Week stall

Arya Kareem with her face painted

There was even more fun than usual happening across our children’s ward as we celebrated the national Play in Healthcare Week from Monday 14 to Friday 18 October. (Pictured above is Arya Kareem, four, with her face painted).

Children staying at Queen’s Hospital were treated to entertainment from ‘Skittleman’ (Craig Gallimore), as well as face painting and a range of activities including slime making, syringe painting, and biscuit decorating.

There was even a chance for their furry friends to get involved when we turned our playroom into a teddy bears' hospital, while parents, carers and staff were not left out, they were encouraged to join in by playing board games.

Play in Healthcare Week, run by the Society of Health Play Specialists and the Starlight Children’s Foundation, aims to raise awareness of the benefits of play in the treatment of unwell children.

Chantel Taylor (pictured below with Skittleman), one of our play specialists, was keen to correct the misconception that her job means she just plays with children all day. She said:

It’s so much more than that. We try to make coming into hospital a positive experience for children, which is really important when they need to attend routine appointments. We get to know all the children who regularly come to hospital so we know their likes and dislikes and can tailor what we do specifically to that child.

We use play to help distract them during treatment, and sometimes to also explain more about what needs to happen. One of the aids we use is a toy MRI scanner, which helps show them what will happen during a scan and makes it less frightening.

As well as all the fun that was had on the ward, our play team also hosted a stall in the atrium at Queen’s Hospital to help raise awareness of what they do and why it’s important.

Play specialist Chantel Taylor with Skittleman

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