

Dominic, five, hands over £2,800 raised in memory of his dad, James

Dominic with his mum Emma and the cheque

Dominic with his mum Emma and the cheque

On Father’s Day this year, Dominic Barker, of Collier Row, completed a three-mile sponsored walk in memory of his dad James Barker, who passed away in February this year aged just 39.

Now, the five-year-old has visited Queen's Hospital to present a cheque for £2,827 to the King George and Queen's Hospitals Charity. Dominic had wanted to raise money to help the staff who looked after his dad.

On the neuro intensive care unit, where James was cared for, nurse Faye Mead, said: “Dominic’s a true fundraising superstar. The money he raised will make a real difference to us and our patients.”

As well as Faye, he also got to meet Romilita Rayan, Deputy Matron on the unit.

In recognition of his fundraising efforts, Dominic, who was accompanied by his mum Emma (pictured with him above), his grandparents, and big brother Harrison, received a certificate and letter of appreciation from the charity, as well as a goody bag.

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