Delivering smiles to lonely patients

We launched our Thinking of you service, a way for loved ones to communicate with our patients, in April, and since then we’ve seen what a difference it makes when patients receive a letter, a child’s drawing or a photograph.
We’ve already distributed over 1,000 messages, via our Patient Advice and Liaison (Pals) team, and have had really positive feedback from patients and their loved ones.
That’s why we’ve decided to expand our service – to include those patients who do not have family or loved ones nearby and have not received any messages. Typically, we have up to 100 patients at any one time, often elderly, who have no contact with anyone other than our staff while they are with us.
Anyone can now send a get well message to one of these patients, to brighten their day while they are in our hospitals. That’s why we’ve called this aspect of our Thinking of you service, ‘raise a smile’.
All you need to do is fill in the online form.
Tony Chambers, our Chief Executive, said: “Our Thinking of you scheme has been really well received; however it has highlighted the fact that some of our more socially isolated patients have no contact with anyone other than hospital staff throughout their stay.
“Messages don’t need to be long, a simple heartfelt get-well message and perhaps a thoughtful picture, will certainly lift the spirits of these patients, and I am sure will be hugely appreciated.”