Dedicated family room opened at Queen’s Hospital in memory of beloved grandfather

A dedicated room for terminally ill patients and their loved ones has been officially opened at Queen’s Hospital by the family of beloved grandfather Dennis Sullivan, who helped fundraise for it.
The room, Dennis’ Den in memory of Dennis, 63, who died of cancer at the hospital, is bright and welcoming, boasting and bed for the patients as well as lots of activities to keep children entertained.
It’s a place for families and loved ones to spend private time together when dealing with a terminal diagnosis, and can also be used as a place to break bad news to children.
Dennis’ wife Janet, 66, said: “It’s a great legacy to him. It’s amazing to see it and I’m so pleased that other families will be able to benefit from it.
“Dennis was in hospital for six weeks and with the wards being busy, we found there wasn’t always somewhere for all the family to sit. It’s nice to have a place like this to come to, and it’s important near the end.”
The family, including Dennis’ three sons, John, 40, and twins James and Chris, 35, John’s wife Laura, 39, and daughters Nancy, nine and Charlotte, seven, raised around £6,000 for Dennis’ Den. They completed marathons, held quiz nights and Charlotte and Nancy are continuing to raise money for our charity, the King George and Queen’s Hospitals Charity by taking part in children’s triathlons.
Additional funding for the room was donated by the Harold Wood League of Friends group.
Janet who lives in Huntsmans Drive, Upminster with John and his family, added: “Dennis loved to see his granddaughters so we knew this room would need to be child-friendly. You can see how much the girls love it.”
John said: “We felt strongly as the staff were so incredible with dad and always had time for us.”
Pictured are Dennis’ family in Dennis' Den with members of our Palliative Care team and Chief Executive, Matthew Hopkins.