

Check out our charity’s new website

Members of our charity and fundraisers at a zipwire challenge

Members of our charity and fundraisers at a zipwire challenge

Our charity, the King George & Queen’s Hospitals Charity, has launched a new website:

Kyra Swaby, marketing and communications officer at the charity, said: “Our new website has a fresh and modern look, aiming to enhance our online presence. It highlights the impact of our work and provides a user-friendly experience for those interested in exploring the various ways they can make a difference to their local hospitals.”

Through the kindness and generosity of our local communities, the charity supports thousands of patients and staff each year by providing extras to make our hospitals even better, funding projects which go above and beyond NHS funding.

Our charity is currently going through an exciting and transformative phase with the launch of the new website and the appointment of Lara Sanola as the new Chair Designate, who joined earlier this month.  

It’s also in the process of becoming an independent charity, rather than the current model where it is governed by our Trust as a corporate trustee. This will help attract the best trustees and maximise fundraising opportunities.

The charity website was the work of Norfolk-based design agency, Adept Design.

Creative Director Dan Gothard said: “We’re extremely proud to be chosen to work with King George & Queen’s Hospitals Charity on the design, development and launch of their new website. The charity team brought their enthusiasm and dedication to the project, and we hope the website will be a fantastic platform where they can connect with their local audience, share their achievements, and generate much-needed support.”

You can contact the charity team via email or call 01708 774825.

Members of our charity team dressed in yellow holding a circular version of their logo

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