

‘Best friends’ nursing duo to retire together after collectively serving almost 90 years at our Trust

Denise and Jane are pictured above at their retirement party. They are sitting in the centre surrounded by colleagues, with a Happy Retirement banner in the background

Denise and Jane are pictured above at their retirement party. They are sitting in the centre surrounded by colleagues, with a Happy Retirement banner in the background

Two nurses from our Respiratory team will retire on the same day later this month after a combined service of 87 years at our Trust.

Denise Smith started working at Barking Hospital in June 1977 while Jane Elflain joined in July 1984.

Staff held a surprise party at Queen’s Hospital on Friday 11 October to celebrate, ahead of their retirement on Thursday 31 October.

They both worked at various hospitals before becoming friends in 1996 when they were working on the same ward.

They immediately clicked, with colleagues even commenting on them being ‘joined at the hip’. They even job shared as ward manager.

In retirement, Denise is looking forward to some rest and relaxation, while Jane is planning on spending more time with her family, including her grandchildren.

Denise said:

We have said to so many people over the years, we know each other so well. I couldn’t have done it without her.

Jane added:

Through the ups and downs, Denise really has been my best friend through it all.

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