Azmain, 11, becomes the first child to receive his vaccine at our King George Hospital Hub

With both his parents having had their boosters, and even his 15-year-old sister getting her second vaccination dose at our hub recently, 11-year-old Azmain Sikder, of Ilford, was feeling decidedly left out.
So when he finally became eligible to get his own vaccine, now it has been introduced for five to 11-year-olds, he was literally first in the queue at our King George Hospital Vaccination Hub.
His dad, Ali Iman, said: “He was very curious, given that we’ve all had it, so when he saw in the newspaper that children were starting to get their vaccines, he was very interested.
“We had an excellent experience and he’s really happy he’s had it now. I’m relieved he’s protected too.”
Taz Milbank, Lead Nurse for our Covid Vaccination Programme, added: “I’m really pleased we’re now able to offer the vaccine for five to 11-year-olds.
“All our vaccinators are registered nurses or midwives and have had additional training for vaccinating children – helping to ensure they are kept safe and as comfortable as possible throughout. We know having a vaccination can be daunting for anyone, especially young children, so please be reassured you will not be rushed during your appointment.
“We’re also really proud to offer an additional service for anyone who has specialist needs, such as sensory impairments or a learning difficulty. Please get in touch in advance if this is the case so we can ensure the right arrangements are made.”
You can book your child’s vaccine via the NHS website. To contact our King George Hospital Vaccination Hub directly, call 01708 435 000, extension 5330.
Read our story on how our vaccination team made Harley, 15, who has autism and cerebral palsy, feel like a star.
Azmain is pictured above receiving his vaccine, and top with vaccinators (l-r) Margo McFarlane and Sharon Wright.