App which is transforming treatment experience for our cancer patients

We’re the first Trust in the country to introduce the ‘Noona’ app for our cancer patients, allowing them to instantly message our team with questions or concerns, as well as see all information about their treatment in one place.
It also improves safety with an algorithm tracking the urgency of messages, if a patient reports serious symptoms an alert is raised advising them to call a 24-hour hotline, or go to A&E.
The user-friendly app is currently integrated across our Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Acute Oncology teams, with more services planned to join, so patients can see all their appointments and treatment, without the need for paper letters.
As well as giving patients a direct route to their clinicians, it also allows us to gather feedback on their symptoms, and can even prevent some people needing to come to hospital.
Nikki Akar, our Lead Chemotherapy Nurse, said: “It’s a great communication tool for our patients who can get a much faster response than trying to call.
“One patient was concerned about how treatment was affecting their feet and was able to send me a picture via the app. From that, I could see there was nothing to be concerned about, and it saved them a trip to the hospital. In some cases, results can be given via the app, rather than coming for an appointment.”
For Zavinta Krukauskiene, 35, it provided valuable reassurance for her and her mother, Rita, when Rita, 52, was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Rita is from Lithuania and cannot speak or read English. The app made it easy for Zavinta to liaise with our team and keep track of her mother’s treatment.
She said: “It was so useful and time saving. I never had to wait for anyone to pick up the phone, I could just send a message and the replies are usually quick.
“Before the app I used to have phone calls before every treatment to go over her symptoms, now I just get a reminder to fill in a questionnaire via the app. It was very easy to use, and being able to reach someone from the team quickly was reassuring for my mum.”
Around 650 patients are already using the app, and Siobhan Graham, our Head of Radiotherapy, has even been asked to share the benefits with health professionals in Greece.
Siobhan said: “We’ve had really good take-up and great feedback from our patients. Of course, they don’t have to use it.
“We’re hoping to continue to expand how we use it, bringing our Living with and Beyond Cancer team on board as a way to support patients who are no longer on active treatment. We’ve seen how well it has improved integration and communication between our teams.”
The app can be downloaded from the usual app stores, patients are then given a link to set up an account.
It is provided by Varian, a medical device manufacturer, and integrates with their products which are used across our Radiotherapy department.
Pictured above are Nikki and Siobhan.