

Afternoon tea event for staff and their babies to mark World Breastfeeding Week

Midwives with their babies at the event

Midwives with their babies at the event

On Thursday 3 August, our Infant Feeding team hosted an afternoon tea for several maternity colleagues who are currently on maternity leave. They also brought along their babies, the youngest being just two weeks old. (Pictured above are some of the midwives who attended with their babies.)

The event was funded by the King George and Queen's Hospitals Charity to mark World Breastfeeding week (1 to 7 August) and aimed to emphasise the significance of supporting breastfeeding in the workplace, the theme of this year’s week.

Picture below are midwives Georgina Plock and Teresa Faulkner (back row) with Michaela Morris breastfeeding her son Elijah.

Georgina Plock Teresa Faulkner Michaela Morris breastfeeding son Elijah

LatchOn, a local charity also attended to discuss and advise our staff on breastfeeding whilst returning to work.

There are more than half a billion working women across the world who are not given basic maternity provisions and many more find themselves unsupported when they go back to work.  

Teresa Faulkner, Specialist Infant Feeding Lead Midwife, said: “Long-term breastfeeding has many health benefits for mother and child, we would like to support staff in making informed decisions and plans for when they return to work.

“We’re extremely grateful to our hospital's charity as they have been a huge support to us. Without them, this event would not have been possible."

Madeliene Cole, a newly qualified midwife who brought her seven-week-old daughter Elizabeth along, said: “I’ll be returning to work after eight months and this has provided me with a sense of support from my colleagues. It’s reassuring to know we all share similar circumstances and concerns. Having a place where I feel comfortable to breastfeed at work is so important and will help me to continue my breastfeeding journey.”

Susan Calder, maternity matron, added: “It’s been such a wonderful afternoon, it’s important for our staff to feel included and part of our workforce community while on maternity leave. This week helps to raise awareness and ensure breastfeeding works for all women who work, wherever they work.”

To show our staff we endorse and value long term breastfeeding at our Trust, the Infant Feeding team is encouraging staff to play their part by filling out this form.




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