Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP Queen's)

Newborn baby cradled by a midwife

Get involved in shaping maternity services

BHRUT Queen’s Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is a multi-disciplinary team who work with service users and healthcare professionals and commissioners to prioritise the needs of women and families”

Have you, a friend or a loved one given birth at Queen’s Hospital recently? We would like to hear from you.

Feel free to contact us via

  • We meet monthly to discuss our local maternity services - how they are working for parents and how they should be developed. It’s an opportunity to input your thoughts, share your experiences and ideas
  • We agree an annual work plan and we work together to make the work plan a reality
  • A number of our service user reps are official Trust volunteers, and regularly carry out a 'walk the patch' around maternity areas to ensure quality of delivery
  • We seek out, listen to and respond to the opinions of local parents across all communities within the area served by the Trust, making extra effort to hear from seldom-heard groups
  • We share best practice with other areas of the Trust, other MVPs and other interested parties.

There are a lot of different ways to get involved – we encourage women who are pregnant and both mums and their partners who have recently had a baby, or who even had their baby a few years ago to get involved. Your opinion counts and we can only help things get better with your input.

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