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Stakeholder update from Chief Executive Tony Chambers: 2 December 2020 | Chief Executive’s stakeholder update

Stakeholder update from Chief Executive Tony Chambers: 2 December 2020 | Chief Executive’s stakeholder update

Stakeholder update from Chief Executive Tony Chambers: 2 December 2020

Welcome to our new Chair

I would like to start this week’s update by thanking Joe Fielder for everything he has done for the Trust during his three year tenure as Chair, and for his support to me personally since I came in as Chief Executive. I’m very pleased that Joe will remain as Chair of NELFT, thereby playing an ongoing role in our system partnership and I know he will continue to be a great advocate and supporter of all we do.

I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new Chair Mike Bell who joined us yesterday.   Mike has extensive NHS experience, and has already spent time with some of our Emergency Department staff at Queen’s and King George hospitals, during which he expressed how impressed he was by their dedication and how he was struck by the pressures they are facing with the second wave of Covid-19 and the onset of winter.

Mike’s wealth of experience and knowledge will be key in enabling us to realise the potential both within our organisation and across north east London to support the delivery of financial stability, reduce health inequalities, and develop an integrated health and social care system we can all be proud of, and which he has achieved during his seven years at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust where he is also Chair.

Marie Gabriel, Chair of the North East London Integrated Care System, said:  "I welcome Mike's acute and system working expertise, along with his understanding of the importance of clinical leadership and innovation around place-based working. His knowledge and experience will support our joint ambitions in north east London.

“Over the last nine challenging months we have seen what we can achieve together. I have no doubt that under his leadership, BHRUT will continue on its path of integrating and improving services, creating great patient experiences, and helping to reduce inequalities." 

You can read more in our latest news story.

Covid-19 vaccine roll out and new mask campaign

I’m sure everyone was as delighted as me to hear the news that we will be able to spend more time with our loved ones over the Christmas period. It is crucial though that we continue to be vigilant and do all we can to stop the virus from spreading, and so I’m especially pleased that our organisation has been chosen to roll out the vaccine to staff. Vaccines are our first line of defence against a plethora of viruses and I am sure I speak for all of us in hoping this new vaccine will be a game changer and a further step forward in moving towards a more ‘normalised’ way of living. In the meantime, as always, I urge you to continue to help us share the messages around good hand hygiene, wearing of face coverings, and keeping socially distanced.

We do know however that people can become ‘Covid-fatigued’ and with this in mind, we are always looking for innovative ways to keep reminding people of the right behaviours. Our latest campaign focuses on face masks and uses a series of life size cut outs with a range of messaging specifically developed to make people reflect on their behaviour and be mindful of others and how they may be feeling. 

PPE campaign cut outs

Domestic violence training to support our staff

Tragically over the last two years, we have lost a healthcare assistant and midwife who both died as a consequence of domestic incidents, and we know that during the pandemic there has been a frightening rise in abuse across the country.

As we mark the international 16 days of actions against domestic violence (25 November to 10 December) we held our second training pilot to help managers from a range of teams across our Trust to support staff who are being abused. This follows on from a successful pilot in October specifically for managers in our Maternity department.

In our news story, Daniela Capasso, our Named Midwife for Safeguarding, talks about the difficulties in tackling this subject, especially in the workplace where people may be reluctant to disclose abuse for fear of being judged or even losing their job, and how the training equips managers to have these crucial conversations with their staff.

We have also developed an e-learning awareness module for all staff.

Alongside other local and national aids, the Government has pulled together information on the support available during Covid-19 – please do share this widely so that together we can assist those who need support to find it.

A Christmas stocking filler from our volunteer Louise

As the work Daniela has talked about demonstrates, I continue to be amazed by the incredible dedication and innovativeness of our staff – and that includes our volunteers.

Louise Hulbert volunteers on our Stroke Rehabilitation ward – it’s her way of giving back to our Trust for her care following a stroke in 2014, after she returned from Spain – and now she’s written a book of her experiences, Burgos to Bedroom Floor. It will be available on Amazon from Friday 4 December and I have no doubt will be an insightful and inspirational read. In the meantime you can learn more about Louise’s venture into authoring in our news story.

Live video chats with Father Christmas

Continuing on the Christmas theme, our charity has employed Santa this festive season - video chats with him can be booked for a £10 donation. With things not quite being the same this year, hopefully this will bring some cheer to our patients and our residents alike, whilst raising money for the charity. To book your chat, visit our website.

Best wishes

Tony Chambers
Chief Executive
December 2020


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