Stakeholder update from Chief Executive Matthew Trainer: 13 September 2024 | Chief Executive’s video diary and stakeholder update

Stakeholder update from Chief Executive Matthew Trainer: 13 September 2024 | Chief Executive’s video diary and stakeholder update

Stakeholder update from Chief Executive Matthew Trainer: 13 September 2024

Dear colleague,

It’s been a bumper couple of weeks with our teams shortlisted in several national awards for their innovative work to improve care for our patients.

Our work with the London Ambulance Service has significantly reduced the number of hour-plus ambulance handovers dropping from 38% to less than 1% in less than a year.

It’s transformed patient care, experience and health outcomes and we’ve all got our fingers crossed for the NHS Parliamentary Awards in the coming weeks and the HSJ Awards.

We’re also an HSJ finalist in the Modernising Diagnostics category. We were the first Trust in the country to introduce a robotic colonoscopy machine which offers a safer and painless experience whilst reducing the recovery times as patients do not need to be sedated.

Our efforts to improve recovery for stroke patients via our STRIVE project, has been shortlisted in the Patient Experience National Network Awards.

And alongside being recognised for our patient care, Chief People Officer Janine La Rosa, has been shortlisted for Compassionate and Inclusive Leader of the Year in the BAME Health & Care Awards. 

Best of luck to everyone.

Return to school made easier

Over 150 colleagues visited our latest marketplace events where they could get school uniforms and essentials for their children for free.

For the first time, these marketplaces included new stationery such as calculators and pencil cases, which was a big help for many, and the response has been very positive.

Since we launched this initiative in 2022, we’ve helped around 1,500 members of our staff and their families during the cost-of-living crisis.

Slight delay in car park reopening

Work on the top floor of the car park has been delayed due to the weather and our contractors need more time to finish the work. 

The ground floor, first floor and second floor are open and it should now fully reopen on Wednesday 25 September. 

Best wishes,

Matthew Trainer

Chief Executive

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