Induction of labour
When does labour normally occur?
For most women labour will happen naturally between 37 and 42 weeks, leading to the birth of their baby.
What is Induction of labour and why am I being offered it?
An induction of labour is when we attempt to start labour artificially. There are many reasons that your doctor or midwife may recommend induction of labour. This may be because:
- There are clinical concerns regarding the welfare of you and/or you baby
- Your waters have broken but there are no signs of labour after 24 hours
- The pregnancy has gone beyond the expected due date with no signs of natural labour. If you are healthy and the pregnancy has been trouble free, induction of labour will be offered around 10-12 days after your due date.
We prefer labour to start naturally but offer induction when the benefits for you and your baby are greater than risks. Our priority is the continued well-being and safety of you and your baby, and the decision to induce is never taken without discussing it with you fully.