How to book an appointment
Please read before submitting a form: Important information.
Once the referral form has been submitted, the inbox will be checked every morning. You will receive a phone call from a witheld number with the nearest available appointment. If you have not received a call within 24 hours, please call sunrise B on 01708 435 000 - extension 2776.
During your appointment
Pre-booked patients:
- If you have been given a scan appointment after submitting the online form, we will try our best to see you within 30 minutes of the given time
- Please complete a urine pregnancy test at home. Only attend for a scan if the test is positive. You will be seen quicker if you bring a positive pregnancy test record taken at home when you attend.
- We understand how important it is to have your partner or companion with you, however more than one companion is not allowed.
- Children are not allowed to attend the appointment.
- EPU nurses or doctors will ask you questions and record your medical and surgical history, this will include a safeguarding questionnaire which will be held in a confidential database.
- A transvaginal scan will be completed.
- If the scan is normal, our nurses will reassure you and discharge you.
- If the scan is inconclusive, the EPU nurses will request your blood test and keep you under their care for a follow-up.
- If the scan is abnormal, you will be required to see a doctor.
After the appointment
The EPU will organise a follow up scan if required.
If the scan is normal, you will not require any further scans. Please contact your GP, midwife or you can click here to book your antenatal care.
If you continue to have mild bleeding or pain, you will not need to re-attend as this will not change any further management. You will have a dating scan at your 12-13, so please make sure you have registered with your midwife so this can be arranged.
If you have very heavy bleeding you will need to attend the GEU.
If your scan is abnormal, you will be seen by doctor or an advanced nurse practitioner.
What to expect during your consultation with doctor/advanced nurse practitioner.
- An opportunity for the doctor to discuss your condition in more detail if the scan is abnormal
- The doctor may examine you and arrange for blood tests
- Discuss a managment plan
- Answer any questions that you may have
- Decide if it's safe for you to go home
- Explain why you need to stay in hospital
- Arrange a follow-up appointment
If we arrange a follow-up appointment, please attend at the time given to you.
If your symptoms worsen or they have gone before your follow-up appointment, please call us on the following telephone number 03304 004 333 ext 2776. One of us will discuss the best plan for you. If urgent, please come to GEU directly.
We'll send your GP information about the care you have had.
Walk in without an appointment
If you attend the GEU without an appointment, you may have to wait up to 4 -6 hours to be seen.
You will need to be registered in the reception by a ward clerk on arrival. Our triage nurses will assess you within 30 minutes and advise if you need to be seen by a doctor. We will check your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. You will also be required to complete a urine pregnancy test. You will not be offered a same day scan unless it's an acute emergency.
Please note that this is emergency unit and patients will be prioritised according to the severity of illness. Sometimes the doctors may be very busy attending life threatening emergencies and your consultation may be delayed.
If you have early pregnancy symptoms like mild bleeding and mild pain (Score up to 5-6, you may choose to to submit the online form and wait for one of us to call you back. We check the inbox once a day only and will endevour to call you back within 24 hours.
You can scan the QR code in the waiting area or click here to complete the self-referral form.
Please read the important information page before you attend.