
Radiotherapy is the use of high energy radiation for the treatment of cancer. Our department utilises state of the art technology in order to give our patients accurate and safe treatment. We pride ourselves in delivering multidisciplinary holistic care which puts the patient at the centre of everything that we do. Our highly trained therapy radiographers use the most advanced imaging techniques to ensure treatment precision. Our department is at the forefront of advanced radiotherapy technology which means that patients receive the best possible outcomes. We are committed to continual improvements in standards of care and the implementation of innovations.

Key telephone numbers

Advice line: 01708 435000 ext 3406

Cancelling or changing your appointment: 01708 435000 ext 3406

Other useful numbers: 01708 435000 ext 6922 or 6282

What types of treatment are available in our service?

We provide RapidArc, Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy therapy, Image guided radiotherapy, Brachytherapy, Superficial, Conformal radiotherapy treatments.

Your appointment

Our patients will meet our therapy radiographers and will be given comprehensive written information that meets their individual needs and have any and all questions answered.

Clinic location

Orange Zone
Ground Floor
Queen's Hospital
Rom Valley Way

Key staff

Our lead consultant is Dr Sherif Raouf

Our Head of Radiotherapy is Stuart McCaighy

Our other key staff are Superintendent Radiographers; Michelle Campbell, Sandra Osborne and Perveen Thapar-Francis

Referrals and other information

Our Consultant Clinical Oncologists will accept direct referrals via letter. Please call our advice line for further information.




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