Procedure information leaflets
Patient information leaflets
Information leaflets are kindly provided by Eido Healthcare.
If you are coming in for a procedure, please read our patient preparation information:
24hr PH Manometry Test [pdf] 212KB
Anorectal Physiology Studies [pdf] 12KB
Breath Test Bacterial Overgrowth [pdf] 94KB
Cytosponge Patient Info.pdf 590KB
Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR).pdf 1MB
Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatogram (ERCP).pdf 961KB
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD).pdf 936KB
Endoscopic Ultrasound.pdf 1047KB
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy.pdf 888KB
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy.pdf 884KB
Gastroscopy and Dilatation.pdf 943KB
Gastroscopy and Sigmoidoscopy.pdf 941KB
Inserting an Oesophageal Stent (Endoscopy).pdf 937KB
Oesophageal Manometry Test [pdf] 119KB
Patient Information - Deep Sedation [pdf] 91KB
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG).pdf 897KB