Gynaecology services
Women’s Services Ward Based Care
Sunrise B is a 12 bed in-patients gynaecology ward admitting both elective and non-elective patients presenting with gynaecological conditions.
Sunrise B ward is a dedicated female-focused unit where the average length of stay is less than two days. The ward caters for women experiencing problems in pregnancy up to 20 weeks gestation and is supported by a psychotherapist and chaplaincy service.
An independent Emergency Gynaecology Assessment unit (EGAU) is situated on the ward. The unit provides a 24-hour, seven days a week service to women who present with a wide variety of gynaecological conditions, some of which are non-urgent, and some are life-threatening often requiring immediate surgery or rapid intervention. The emergency unit current sees 1500 women per month and this number is increasing.
There is also an independent Early Pregnancy Assessment unit (EPAU) that provides a nurse-led service between the hours of 8am to 8pm, seven days a week to women experiencing problems with their pregnancy at less than 12 weeks gestation. This unit sees approximately 650 women per month.
Further information can be found for the EPAU at the following link:
Gynaecology Elective Care
Gynaecology outpatient services are delivered across both sites, and also provides an outreach service at Brentwood Hospital. The service at Queen's Hospital delivers a wide range of gynaecological outpatient services and procedures such as routine clinic appointments, hysteroscopy, colposcopy, vulval clinics, urodynamic and endometriosis clinics and gynaecology oncology services. The service at King Georges Hospital also delivers a wide range of gynaecological outpatient services and procedures including routine clinic appointments, hysteroscopy, colposcopy, vulval clinics, urodynamic and endometriosis clinics and gynaecology oncology services.
The gynaecology nurse-led pre-assessment clinic runs Monday to Friday and assesses women prior to scheduled surgery.
The Sub-fertility department, at Queens Hospital, is licensed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), a regulatory body, and is an ISO 9001:2015 certified unit. It provides comprehensive support to couples striving for conception. A team of four fertility consultants supported by experienced nurses, healthcare assistants and a clinical scientist develop personalised treatment plans, incorporating assisted reproductive technologies such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and satellite in vitro fertilization (IVF), in partnership with King Fertility.
The decision to offer treatment is evidence-based and includes comprehensive diagnostic support to establish potential female and male contributing factors affecting fertility. The diagnostic tests include female hormones, Fallopian tube patency when required and male semen analysis assessments.
Regular monitoring and follow-up appointments in safe surroundings offer progress tracking and treatment strategies to be adjusted as needed. The Sub-fertility Clinic aims to empower couples on their fertility journey. It provides medical expertise and emotional support to optimize the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
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Gynae pre-assessment online leaflet [pdf] 122KB | Current | Gynae pre-assessment online leaflet [pdf] 122KB | 122KB | 12/02/25 | Download | |
Pattient information leaflet - Anaesthtics [pdf] 1019KB | Current | Pattient information leaflet - Anaesthtics [pdf] 1019KB | 1019KB | 12/02/25 | Download | |
Prenting hospital aquired blood clots - patient leafleft [pdf] 690KB | Current | Prenting hospital aquired blood clots - patient leafleft [pdf] 690KB | 690KB | 12/02/25 | Download |