Ear, nose and throat
We provide a comprehensive ear, nose, throat (ENT), head and neck service which includes cancer and paediatrics.
What types of treatments are available?
We provide the following:
- a dedicated outpatient department fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities including endoscopes and audio / visual facilities
- a dedicated outpatient department for paediatrics ENT together with ENT / head and neck wards
- two dedicated ENT theatres fully equipped with the latest endoscopic facilities, lasers and microscopes
- a fully comprehensive cancer service for head and neck cancer
- a 24-hour emergency service through the emergency department. This service is extremely busy both for adults and children
Our consultants
Mr B. Kotecha FRCS - Clinical Lead
Mr H. Kaddour FRCS
Mr A. Owa FRCS
Mr Anurag Jain
Mr Gaurav Kumar
Mr Vik Veer
Mr A. Eweiss
Mr Reza Nourei (Locum)
Appointments can be made via:
- GP referral
- ‘Choose and Book’
- the emergency department, in case of an emergency
- hospital inter-referral